Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Now that Tuesday is here we have to go to the store as on Monday all we done was recuperate from the birthday party Saturday. Not really as we done laundry and the usual Monday housework . This week being Thanksgiving we will be going to one of the daughters for dinner and all we have to do is take hot dish to pass . So much different than when everyone was coming home for the holidays. Looking at the pictures that Jan posted from the party I didn't realize how much my face was bloated from medicine. But I guess if I can breathe I will have to live with the chubby cheeks. The weather here is supposed to turn colder and maybe snow before the end of the week. Saturday night is the annual bank Christmas dinner. All retires are invited to any functions like that so we will be going to dinner Saturday evening. Today I am going to make bean soup as I have some broth left from the ham I cooked last week and a few pieces of ham that I will cut up in it. Have to remember to take the ham out of the freezer.Well the curling iron is ready so I had better get busy as my hair is very straight and frizzy. lilly

1 comment:

  1. Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving. I also hope you enjoy the dinner with your bank friends. With the weather you are expecting, the bean/ham soup sounds delicious. Enjoy!
