Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yesterday (Tuesday) for the most part was spent sorting items for the Saturday yard sale. To make matters worse our storage room is on the second floor so everything had to be carried down and then what wasn't going in the yard sale had to be taken back up. That was really hard on my husband as there are 17 steps each way. I didn't realize that I had so many nicknacks. Now I don't have room for all of them so what do you keep and what do you sell.Then we discovered that we have three suitcases and we don't even travel anymore so one of then had to go. Now the back seat of the car is loaded and ready to go to our daughters. I had to put one very nice pair of drapes in that I had bought for the sliding glass door as we have no window here that can compare with a window that large. By the time we finished with all of that it was lunch time and I was ready to head for my recliner. Maybe tomorrow will be a little slower and I can crochest some more. lilly


  1. Good Morning! It's always hard to decide what to keep and what to give away. Especially, when you have purchased something special (like your drapes) that no longer are useful. Hope today is easier and that you get a chance to work more on the baby blanket.

  2. Lilly,
    Send me your address and I can gift you the doll you like. I'd love for you to have her. My Email is

    Jan Beane
