Monday, September 7, 2009

The Holiday Weekend is about over and us old people are sitting here watching the ball game,which we have been doing for most of the afternoon and evening. We did have one of the girls stop in this afternoon and also our granddaughter and her her two children were here for awhile. This morning I had a burst of energy so I baked chocolate chip cookies and then for supper I cooked a beef roast. The rest of supper was left up to the main man to fix as I was about done in. Saturday we went to one of the girls and her husbands for dinner and played cards for quite awhile . We tend to leave early this time of year as it to hard for my husband or myself to drive after dark. In fact I hardly drive at all anymore. This coming weekend will be busy as one of the girls is having a yard sale on Saturday and then of Sunday we are going to Sampson Naval Base as my husband as a Brick in place there as that is where he took his basic training for the navy and the girls went together and bought brick with his name and years of service to be placed in the walkway and he hasn't seen it since it was laid so we are all going there in the morning. Then on Monday there is a Golf Tournament in Memory of our Great Granddaughter. I could almost bet that on Tuesday I will be having a recliner day. My baby blanket is on it last rounds to be finished and then all I have to do is the trim work on the edges. Hve to go use the Nebulizer so will write agaijn later. lily

1 comment:

  1. Nice to hear from you. It sounds like you will be busy this next week. Those cookies sound very good and I bet they made your home smell wonderful! We watched a few ball games on tv this weekend too. Take care and I hope to see the baby's blanket when you are finished.
