Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today was actually a total opposite of yesterday. Very cold and a litttle frost when I got up this morning. As the day progressed it became very warm and in the high70's. Supposed to be very nice all week with small amounts of rain which we need. Nothing special happening this past weekend and we were solid chair keepers and movie theater people this weekend. Sometimes it is very hard to find a decent movie on TV but this was weekend was great. This coming Saturday our grandaughter is coming up from Binghamton and bringing our new baby to visit. I hope he doesn't mind the dust that has gathered while I tend to be able to only dust one room a day so either I get busy or it will still be there when they arrive Saturday. not sure if we are going to change our phone provider or not as we have had more trouble this past week with the one we have so we are thinking about doing a change. Well its time for the nebulizer and then its off to bed so hope everyone has a good week. lilly

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Congratulations on your new great grandson. I know his mommy will cherish the blanket you have lovingly made for him. Hope you have a nice week.
