Saturday, September 26, 2009

Today one of my most revered wishes came true. My daughter, son in law,grandaughter and new great grandson were here for most of the day. We all had dinner together and later in the afternoon desert and coffee was served. Our daughter brought desert which was a carmel apple pie that they bought at one of the orchards on the way up from Binghamton. Very delicious. Earlier in the day I had made a big pot of goulash which didn't last very long and all we had with that was Italian Bread and strong cheese that Tim brought with them. It made me feel good to think that I was able to do our dinner (cooking) myself. I do have to admit that I had to use my stool at the counter to cut up the onion and pepper and then I could just slide on it over to the stove and do my cooking. Not like the old days when I could just whip up a dish like this with no effort. There again the best part of the day was being able to hold Aiden and give him gentle hugs . Well enough mushy stuff for now and since our granddaughter brought an Albun of her baby shower I will close and go look at all the nice things she got for the baby. lilly

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Morning, It is a little foggy here this morning but is supposed to burn off rather quickly and be almost 80 degrees. It was also very nice yesterday and had to have the air conditioning for awhile. One of the girls I grew up with came to visit yesterday and brought another friend of ours with her. They brought us a beautiful fruit basket with everything in it that we like. The surprising thing is that on Monday my husband and gone shopping and brought home fresh fruit. That is one one my downfalls. Can't seem to keep my hands off that fresh fruit. Now I have plenty here for a couple of weeks. Apples, oranges,pears,grapes and banannas. I had made egg and olive for sandwiches and also tuna fish along with chips for our lunch. There was not enough time for all the conversation that we had to talk about so will have to do that again soon. After they left we went to see about getting our phone service changed as we can only call the next town without it being long distance and that is getting to be very expensive so once that was done it was a stop at the grocery store to buy bread and than home to crash as we were both exhausted. Now my hands are getting very shaky so gusess I'd better leave for now. Lilly

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Today was actually a total opposite of yesterday. Very cold and a litttle frost when I got up this morning. As the day progressed it became very warm and in the high70's. Supposed to be very nice all week with small amounts of rain which we need. Nothing special happening this past weekend and we were solid chair keepers and movie theater people this weekend. Sometimes it is very hard to find a decent movie on TV but this was weekend was great. This coming Saturday our grandaughter is coming up from Binghamton and bringing our new baby to visit. I hope he doesn't mind the dust that has gathered while I tend to be able to only dust one room a day so either I get busy or it will still be there when they arrive Saturday. not sure if we are going to change our phone provider or not as we have had more trouble this past week with the one we have so we are thinking about doing a change. Well its time for the nebulizer and then its off to bed so hope everyone has a good week. lilly

Friday, September 18, 2009

Today has been almost like a typical early fall day. Just a few sprinkles here in this part of New York State and the temperature has been in the high 60's. We have had all the windows open and have been enjoying the fresh air. I have been recliner bound most of the day as a problem with the legs haven't let me be to mobil. Maybe I done to much yesterday as we made our once a week journey to do several errands that we usually try to do together and then we went out to lunch which is always a welcome treat. I'm not sure if I wrote that our new great grandson arrived on September 11th about 11:30 pm. He weighed 7lb3oz. Both baby and Mom are doing well. His name is Aiden Lee. His blanket is finished except for the border which will be done this week. Once this project is finished is finished I have a couple of books to read and then I will get busy making doilies for Xmas gifts. My husband has made goulash for supper so I will have to leave and go eat while the food is hot. lilly

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

As of Friday afternoon our telephone service decided to take a vacation from us using it. Called the phone company on the cell phone and they said no repair until sometime on Monday as it was too late in the day. It seems like they want their monthly bill paid on time or we get a late charge. The phone didn 't bother me so much as not being able to use the computer. I love to read what everyone else writes (i'm only a little nosey). I probably wouldn't be like that but I'm confined to my chair so much it keeps me occupied. We did have a busy weekend planned with the children so the time went by fairly rapidly. On Sunday we went to Sampson AirBase where my husband took his Naval Training . Once there one of the son in laws wheeled me in my wheelchair and the visit was very informative. Guess I forgot Saturday. One of the other girls had a yard sale and we had several things we had put in as they were items from when we moved. Then on Monday while waiting for the phone company my husband went to the golf tournament that is held every year in honor of our great grandaughter who was killed in an acident six years ago. Then every year a senior from her school is awarded a scholarship . About 1:30 they finally got our phone repaired so when he came home to check on me I was ready to go with him to the golfcourse for supper and visit with several members of the family and friends. Thank God for walkers and wheel chairs.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yesterday (Tuesday) for the most part was spent sorting items for the Saturday yard sale. To make matters worse our storage room is on the second floor so everything had to be carried down and then what wasn't going in the yard sale had to be taken back up. That was really hard on my husband as there are 17 steps each way. I didn't realize that I had so many nicknacks. Now I don't have room for all of them so what do you keep and what do you sell.Then we discovered that we have three suitcases and we don't even travel anymore so one of then had to go. Now the back seat of the car is loaded and ready to go to our daughters. I had to put one very nice pair of drapes in that I had bought for the sliding glass door as we have no window here that can compare with a window that large. By the time we finished with all of that it was lunch time and I was ready to head for my recliner. Maybe tomorrow will be a little slower and I can crochest some more. lilly

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Holiday Weekend is about over and us old people are sitting here watching the ball game,which we have been doing for most of the afternoon and evening. We did have one of the girls stop in this afternoon and also our granddaughter and her her two children were here for awhile. This morning I had a burst of energy so I baked chocolate chip cookies and then for supper I cooked a beef roast. The rest of supper was left up to the main man to fix as I was about done in. Saturday we went to one of the girls and her husbands for dinner and played cards for quite awhile . We tend to leave early this time of year as it to hard for my husband or myself to drive after dark. In fact I hardly drive at all anymore. This coming weekend will be busy as one of the girls is having a yard sale on Saturday and then of Sunday we are going to Sampson Naval Base as my husband as a Brick in place there as that is where he took his basic training for the navy and the girls went together and bought brick with his name and years of service to be placed in the walkway and he hasn't seen it since it was laid so we are all going there in the morning. Then on Monday there is a Golf Tournament in Memory of our Great Granddaughter. I could almost bet that on Tuesday I will be having a recliner day. My baby blanket is on it last rounds to be finished and then all I have to do is the trim work on the edges. Hve to go use the Nebulizer so will write agaijn later. lily