Monday, April 13, 2009

I think our Ester Dinner is beginning to settle and will soom ba able to enjoy a normal meal. Easter Sunday was spent with one of the girls and her husband. We all shared in the cooking so it was rather interesting. We took our son in laws mother with us as she only drives to the grocery store. She has really bad eyes. Today was a trip to Rochester to see the plumonary doctor so both my husband and I are tired tonight. My sister went with us, she is a registered nurse and wanted to hear what the good doctor had to say. Had to have some blood work done and then it was homeward bound.. Glad to get to her house amd have a short break from riding. When we got to her house my daughter was there with two of her grandchildren so we had a nice visit with them before we started our last leg of the trip home. Easter was cold and dry and not windy but felt more like fall then spring. I had dworn a thin jacket when we left home and was glad to have heat in the car. The rest of the week should be fairly quiet unless something unusual happens. Almost forgot one of the girls leaves for Biloxi, Mississippi tomorrow to visit with my granddaughter who is in the air force.Hope she has a good flight to and from . She will be gone for a week. Can't wait to hear the news form there. Hope everyone has a great week and hope to hear form you soon. Lilly

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a nice Easter. It's always fun for everyone to pitch in and bring a dish. Easter Sunday was very warm and sunny here. Friday night we had terrible rain, wind and hail but no damage thankfully.
    I hope you will rest well after such an eventful day and I hope you both will have a good week.
