Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I should have wrote a post script last night but by the time I remembered this I was already in bed. One of our granddaughters spent a year in Finland as an exchange student and her parents also went to Finland to visit while she was there. My nephew also was an a member of the Rotary Youth Orginaziaton during his high school years. I know now that I should have mad notes before I started to write this article because there are to many things I could write about during my year as president. Thanks for listening. Lilly

Monday, April 27, 2009

As promised I am back again! In 1989 I was asked if I would join the Waterloo Rotary Club. The manager of the bank and I were the first women to be voted into the club. Now starts the interesting part. In my second year as a member I took on the job as treasurer which I held for several years. Then in 1995 I was voted in by the past presidents committe as president for one year. During this year we done many interesting things. Our first foreign exchange student, arrived from Japan, then our first outgoing student went to England.We also started a program to donate food to our local food pantry. Forget to put your membership button on you donated to the food bank. During that year we also started a Holiday Program where the whole Club went to the Nursing Homes to sing Chrisstmas Carols. We also gave each resident a Christmas Card. On Valentines Day our Japenese Student held a formal Tea Party for myself and my husband. We were on our knees for the whole time and I thought I wouldn't be able to get up. In 1991 I was gifted with the highest award that a Rotarian can receive. The Paul Harris Award. I am so very proud of this and hope someday to have one of our family become interested in the Rotary Program. I know I have forgot some things but I am tired. Good Night Lilly
Hard to believe but it is almost the end of April. Our weather here for the past few days has been in the very high 80's. Today our thermometer is standing at 92'0. We should be having this kind of weather in July. Now on with my story. I had only been working at the bank for a short amount of time when I was asked if I would care to be of the Board of Directors for the American Institute of Banking. What a surprise but I certainly did enjoy my time serving on the board. The only problem was I had to drive about 22 miles to get to the meeting that met a 7:30 am. That made for a long day but lots of good information to put into use at our bank. I done this for about five years and then decided to turn my chair over to someone else as I had another project I was involved in and I needed to spend more time learning about that organization I will stop for now as I need to gather my thoughts on how I want to proceed with my next endeavor.Will write more later tonight. lilly

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Just a bit of trivia for tonight. The only president born in Cayuga County where we live in New York State was Millard Fillmore. Nothing much has been done to honor his birthplace except for a sign and a flag. Local businesses have given donations in his honor and a Memorial Pavilliom and plaque in Summer Hill is being erected honoring our 13th president. Just a small piece of local history I thought was interesting. Lilly

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

April 21st is our Aniversary so being such a beautiful day we decided to celebrate and go out for lunch which ended up being dinner. We went to Clay, N.Y. to Red Lobster and ate more than we would normally eat for two dinners and brought left overs home. On our way home we stopped at an antique store and of course I had to help support the store by making a purchase. I found a Fenton cranberry glass vase and was totally taken by it so I had to bring it home to see how it would look with my other Fenton pieces that are in my curio cabinet and others that are scattered about our living room. Oh Well, guess everybody has a downfall of somekind. Now on to the great grandbaby, my daughter is in Philidelphia now waiting for her connecting flight but I did talk to her and the ultra sound did not show the sex of this little bugger as the child would not open its legs. Another ultra sound is not scheduled for another 5 weeks so I guess someone is being modest at this point of time. Will head to my easy chair now as I am ready to relax for the evening.

Friday, April 17, 2009

We have had one beautiful day here and I have enjoyed every minute of this afternoon. Right after lunch (leftovers from yesterday) got my portable oxygen ready and my walker and off to the grocery store we went. That is always a treat for me as I sometimes pick out things my husband doesn't purchase. Today it was turkey thighs and very thin pieces of beef that I will fix for supper with peppers, and onions.Will have this with some brown rice cooked in beef broth. After the grocery store we went to Walgreens where I purchased some nail polish, and sunglasses. Also bought a bag of snacks for my husband as he is always buying me something if I don't go with him. Then it was homeward bound and a struggle to get up the 7 steps to our apartment but it was worth the struggle to get out in the sunshine. Lilly

Thursday, April 16, 2009

This week is running by me faster than I can go. My walker only goes so fast and I'm not doing so well today. One of the girls and her husband was here for lunch today. It is a 75 mile drive from their home to ours so we really appreciate them coming to visit. On their way here they stopped at the Mennonite Store in Seneca Falls,N.Y. and brought us some things they know we really enjoy. Smoked pork chops from Pennsylvania and home grown asparagus. What a feast that will be. It is in the high 60's here today with a slight breeze so it is still a little chilly. My daughter is on her trip to Mississippi now and I can't wait for her to get home to hear the news of my granddaughter and her most recent visit to the doctors. Supposed to find out this trip if she is having a boy or girl. Never thought I would see the day when I would be a great granny. This will make ten great grandchildren. Maybe I should give up the walker and retire to my recliner. Still have dishes to do so I had better sign off and write more another time. Lilly

Monday, April 13, 2009

I think our Ester Dinner is beginning to settle and will soom ba able to enjoy a normal meal. Easter Sunday was spent with one of the girls and her husband. We all shared in the cooking so it was rather interesting. We took our son in laws mother with us as she only drives to the grocery store. She has really bad eyes. Today was a trip to Rochester to see the plumonary doctor so both my husband and I are tired tonight. My sister went with us, she is a registered nurse and wanted to hear what the good doctor had to say. Had to have some blood work done and then it was homeward bound.. Glad to get to her house amd have a short break from riding. When we got to her house my daughter was there with two of her grandchildren so we had a nice visit with them before we started our last leg of the trip home. Easter was cold and dry and not windy but felt more like fall then spring. I had dworn a thin jacket when we left home and was glad to have heat in the car. The rest of the week should be fairly quiet unless something unusual happens. Almost forgot one of the girls leaves for Biloxi, Mississippi tomorrow to visit with my granddaughter who is in the air force.Hope she has a good flight to and from . She will be gone for a week. Can't wait to hear the news form there. Hope everyone has a great week and hope to hear form you soon. Lilly

Saturday, April 4, 2009

This has been a week of great pleasure for me as my left eye had the laser treatment and as of today I can finally say I can see again. It took a long time for it to get back to normal as it seemed to stay dilated for a long time. Tomorrow I am going to try to read as I have spent most of the winter(since Christmas) not able to read for more than a line or two at a time. We also made up our mind to try and start using up some of our older supplies in our refrigerator freezer.Lets hope if anyone shows up to eat who knows what they will end up with. Could be a surprise for everyone. The last two days here have been rainy and cold,now it looks as though there might be a snow flake showing through. We really do not need that at this time of year when I want to put my planters on the deck. My husband is now curled up in his lounge chair watching his favorite sport. The New York Yankee Baseball Game. That is one sport he really enjoys. I also like to watch Syracuse,N.Y. College basketball. Of course that is over with for this season. I also have an order for a two color doiley to crochet. Would like to finish that soon as I have had it started for quite awhile. Just got our new car registration in the mail today so we are good to drive for another two years. It seems as though that two years goes really fast. Will let you know later in the week how the reading and is progressing. Lilly