Thursday, October 15, 2009

Yesterday (Wednesday) was a very tiring day as we spent most of it at the Vascular Doctors office in Rochester but the visit went well and I do not have to go back for several months unless something goes wrong with my artificial bypass. One of the girls came up from Binghamton and drove us so that was a big help. After the doctors visit we took her out for a late lunch. She wanted to go to Red Lobster so we all ordered something different and had a tasters choice. Very nice but a little pricey. Oh well doesn't happen very often. Now next month it is of to the plumonary clinic. That is always a very interesting visit. I really do like my doctor there and he is always helpful if I haven't been having good breathing days. This evening one of the girls I used to work with called and we're going to have lunch with her tomorrow. Sure do hope it is warmer than it has been today. I'll soon have to get my scarf out to cover my nose and mouth as I cannot breathe in that cold. Have been crocheting some and hope to get more done as the Holidays are fast aproaching and I'm way behind. They changed our phone system over today and I guess it will take some time to get used to some of the things it incorporates. Talk to you again soon and have a great weekend. lilly


  1. Hi Lilly,
    Good to have help with the driving.
    Its very cold here...22 this morning, lots of heavy frost.
    Take care. Jan

  2. I hope you rested better last night. I know you emailed me yesterday early and said you could not sleep. I am off to make coffee and feed my hungry group of pets!!! I hope you have a very nice day.
