Friday, August 21, 2009

I am very happy now that my very pretty flowers are showing on the top of my blog spot. Our daughter and son-in law were kind enough to do this for me. These are the flowers that I was growing on our deck in Auburn. My bachlor buttons had to be disposed of last week as they were begining to look like straw. Today I rode to GEneva with my husband and went into the Wegmans store there for the first time. I thought the one in Auburn was big but this one is even bigger. I was happy to get out of there and a good thing he was pushing the wheel chair or I would still be looking to kind my way out. While we were in there one of the girls who used to work for me in the bank suddenly appeared and was very glad to see her. Tonight one of my nephews and his family came to visit and brought their daughter with them who has adopted a little boy from China who has downs syndrom .. Very cute child and sometime in Setpember she and her husband are getting a seven year girl with down syndrom. Well guess I have jabbered enoough for one night so I will close for now. lilly


  1. We had so much fun visiting with you! We stopped at a diner in Clifton Springs on the way home and Simon continued his antics there but Grandpa Steve had him corraled in the booth as we ate so everyone was happy! :)

  2. Your flowers are so beautiful, bright and colorful. We had a bad thunderstorm last night and I have not had internet, tv or phone until now. Thanks for sharing a picture of your flowers. That's wonderful that she is adopting children from China. My sister had a baby with Down Syndrome and he was such a sweetheart and loved music. Best wishes to them. Hope you have a good night.

  3. Simon loves music too! On Sundays we sit in the back of the church during the worship music time and he enjoys copying hand motions we make up to go along with the lyrics. He moves his mouth as he sees us do and one day I know he will also be verbal and sing out loudly to the Lord.
