Friday, July 31, 2009

It is hard to believe that today is the last day Of July. It has really been a busy month for us. Yeaterday one of the girls came up from Binghamton and took me to the Doctors in Rochester, Luckily a good report from this one doctor and I do not have to go back to that one until May of 2010. I do not often have a chance to spend that much time with any one of our girls and it was a really nice day even thought it was a trip to the drs. On the way home we stopped and I bought Chinese supper for the two of us. Next weekwnd there is a book sale a the Lansing, N.Y. fire hall that we always go to. That is where we buy our books for the coming year. All books are being sold next Saturday for $2.00 per grocery bag and we always manage to get a good supply . Now that we are fairly well settled our new apartment it is looking very nice. Curtains are hung, dishes are put away and furniture is arranged. Of course we will always find something that we want to change. Saturday is my granddaughters baby shower so I will be going to that with another one of the girls. Now it is time for bedtime meds so I will have to write more another time. Hello to all my fellow bloggers and anyone else who would care to write. lilly

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Today is going to be a shopping day as we have to try and find draperies for the living room and the bedroom. Every room comes with mini blinds so curtains or draperies were the last thing list to buy. Fortunately we did not have to purchase to much of anything. Now all the clocks , shelves and other decorations are hung so we can concentrate on the draperies. We thought we had lost our sewing basket and both of us looked for it for many hours and finally found it stuck behind the ironing board. So far that is the only thing that has come up missing. Now the lost is found . My flowers are doing wonderful and have many comments on how pretty they are. We have used the new grill that my husband got for Fathers Day twice and how wonderful it is to have a grilled steak. Sometime today I would like to go to the Amish store as I need to stock up on some spices and I just love to browse through their store. We are only about 1/4 mile from that store now. Well it is time for the coffee pot to be put on to brew so I will hope to have some new blogs to read before I sign off. lilly

Monday, July 20, 2009

Good Morning Everyone

The move to another town and a new to us apartment is finally complete. We had the heavy furniture moved by a moving company and the smaller items were moved by our children and us. I can't really say us a I done nothing but watch and say OH NO It goes here not there. Then once my oxygen machine was moved I had to remain at the new apartment. Then the whole weekend was busy with unpacking putting away and then moving it to a different spot once again. The girls and their husbands were here once again to help the old out with the climbing and high reaching. Then on Thursday to add to the excitment we got a call to go to the hospital ,my oldest daughter was in a diabetic coma and there were a few very tense hours spent there. But thanks to many prayers and a strong will on her part and a good hospital she is once again home. I will write more again later but fresh coffee is calling me so I will close for now and hope to hear form everyone soon. lilly

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Today we made the final arrangements for our move. We will actually start moving on the 15th and the movers will be here for the rest of our furniture and boxes on the 16th. We were at the new apartmant today and they were in the process of painting the whole thing. Tomorrow they are bringing in a new refrigerator which made me very happy because there was no fridge there. They did let us put many things in our storage room whichis on the upper level of the building. They are also laying a new bathroom floor as the one there is in terrible shape. Then we were off to the cable vision place to get that all set up and were finally on our way home when we decided to stop at the bank I had worked at and order new checks and a new address stamp and of course had to visit with old customers and we personally know the customer service lady so to much time was spent there. Then it was time to start our treck home. Supper was a hot roast sandwich with apple sauce on the side at 8:00 tonight and now I am ready for bed. Talk to you all again another day. Lilly

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Our monitor has now been delegated to a card table with the tower placed on the floor and the printer is also on the card table. Not like our usual place for all these items but at least we are still usuable.Today has been rather cold here but no rain. That is a milestone if I ever saw one. We have had so much rain yesterday it was laying in puddles on the lawn. Yesterday afternoon one of the girls stopped by and brought goodies for both her Dad and myself. They are all so thoughtful it is hard to tell sometimes who belongs to who. Tomorrow I would like ot go to WalMart and see about buying some new shelf paper. I guess I have to give in and use one of their electric carts as it is to hard for my husband to push me in the wheel chair all the time. It is time for me to get ready for bed so I will close for now and hope tomorrow is a little wamer than today. Lilly

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Good Morning Everyone,
The Fourth of July has now passed us by for another year and I guess it is time for this family to get back to somewhat normal activities. There was a lot of fire works all around us last night. The largest display being at the ball park, and at the park by the lake. Some of the buildings in the complex where we live had their own display. There are 26 buildings in this complex where we still are and each building has 12 apartments in it so you can imagine what it sounded like here. The sun is shinning right now and hopefully it stays that way for one day of the holiday weekend. I guess it is my turn to fix breakfast so I had better get busy before my husband is up and wants to eat and nothing is ready but the coffee. Hope everyone has a wonderful day and a enjoy yourselves. Lilly

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I got up this morning with high hopes of seeing the sun . Guess what,no such luck it was rain again and has been that way all day. Maybe I said my prayers from the wrong side of the bed last night when I asked if we could see just a little sunshine when the norning arrives.. The humudity has also been terrible todday but I did have to go out with my husband to Seneca Falls to get some info on the new apartment. Looks like about two weeks and maybe sooner that we will be able to move. Our apartment here looks like a cyclone went through and I'm not used to that although I did find things that I have seriously neglected to dust. Hope who ever saw the dust forgives me. Well I guess I'm not depressed enough with the weather so I will go watch the news and see what the weather report is. lilly